Your pets have been some of our best customers. With over thirty years of experience in treating pet stains and odor, we've got a few tricks up our sleeves.
Even the best pets have accidents. (Although certain cats make it seem more malicious than accidental) Pet urine stain removal and odor control is a science unto itself. Combine the variety of fabrics in your home with the animal's gender, diet and health and no two pet stains are exactly alike. Our natural mineral deodorizing process is 100% safe and effective on all but the most severe odors. Odor treatments on area rugs range from $45 for an individual spot and up to $1.50 per square foot for full immersion on severe cases.
Fresh urine (Less than an hour old) can usually be blotted up with a damp cotton terrycloth towel. Apply enough pressure to the affected area to absorb as much urine as possible. Treat the area (after testing for colorfastness, shrinkage and bleeding) with a mild upholstery cleaner.
Older urine can be more of a challenge. As it ages, urine will gain more staining abilities. It is necessary to neutralize it as soon as possible to prevent permanent discoloration. Apply a light misting of household vinegar to the affected area (after testing for colorfastness, shrinkage and bleeding). Gently work the vinegar into the affected area and then blot with a damp cotton terrycloth towel. Apply enough pressure to the affected area to absorb as much urine as possible.
If you aren't sure... just call us at 512-327-7553 and we'll guide you through the procedure.